Users' feedback prompts specialist referral routing to improve care option offerings.
Clearstep has always embraced end users' feedback on our solutions to inform our product strategy and roadmap. Most often, we find users thoroughly enjoy using Clearstep - Take a look at a recent deep dive into our user feedback to see for yourself! - but occasionally, we receive feedback that leads to opportunities to improve the overall experience. A recent uptick drove one such instance in feedback from patients that have received a referral to see a specialist:
“The outcome after answering all questions is nonsensical: "see primary care doctor." Done that. I was seeking specialized help.”
“not giving me enough space to give all of my information. I have been in touch with my primary doctor, and she is going to send me to a GI dr.”
Balancing user experience with clinically appropriate actions, we've implemented a new specialist eligibility flow that allows users who know what type of care they need to go directly to the specialty instead of completing the entire conversation or seeing inaccurate triage recommendations.
The workflow also accounts for users that do not qualify, i.e., don’t have a referral or direction to see specialists, by directing them through the standard workflow. We’re piloting the feature with all GI and Dermatology protocols, so if a patient has been instructed to see a specialist by their Primary Care Physician, they’ll be able to schedule directly with a Gastroenterologist or Dermatologist.
Over the coming weeks, we will be adding this feature to more complaints with their corresponding specialist with the goal of all complaints having the option for top-line specialist triage as well, so even if the user doesn’t qualify to see a specialist in the specialist eligibility flow, they can still be routed to a specialist if it's appropriate for their symptoms.